Home Daycare Providers
Find a home daycare provider.
Home daycare providers. Thousands of choices for child care abound from preschools to institutional day care facilities. Most states include records of child care licensing inspections in the search results for each provider. Providers exempt from licensing.
A child care provider caring for six or fewer children in their home regardless of relationship can be paid for providing care to families who are eligible for child care subsidy. Most states allow some child care providers to be exempt from child care licensing laws. States without records available on the web can give you this information over the phone or at the agency office.
Search for child care providers from our inventory of over 270 000 listings. A maximum of 3 children under the age of 2 years old. The total of six 6 children in care shall include.
Information for in home child care providers. Most home providers have made a conscious decision to do this as a career says anne mead treasurer of the national association for family child care. Parents agonize over the decision to leave their child in another person s care when they go to work.
The united states has more than 280 000 regulated home daycares almost three times the number of licensed childcare centers.